Band Separates
Band Separates: Increase strength and stability of upper back and posterior shoulders. Also good for AC joint separation rehab |
Row variation for increasing posterior back and shoulder strength and stability |
Simple Bridge
A simple bridge with lifting hips to be in a straight line with shoulders hips and thighs. Increasing posterior chain stability and strength |
Rotator Cuff Rehabilitation
Exercises for Rotator Cuff stability and strengthening |
Sleeper Stretch
Shoulder internal rotation stretch of rotator cuff muscles with resistance and relaxation. |
External Rotation
Strengthening exercise for the rotator cuff muscles Infraspinatus and Teres MInor |
Wall Angels
Thoracic strengthening exercise and posture rehab. |
Slump Nerve Flossing
Nerve flossing of the Sciatic Nerve while sitting. A progression from side lying low back nerve flossing. |
Rib & Mid-Back Stretches
Standing rib stretches & quadraped with arm reach to help with those tight mid back & between the shoulder blades. |
Low Back Nerve Flossing
Nerve flossing for nerve entrapments and radiculopathies. |
Upper Body Stretches
A circuit of stretches for the upper body that should be performed at least 2 times a week to maintain flexibility and prevent injuries. |
Cuban Press
Exercise for shoulder strengthening in the rotator cuff & larger shoulder muscles. |
Sloppy Push-Ups, McKenzie Extensions, Cobras
Disc injury exercise: McKenzie extension, Cobras, Sloppy Push-ups. |
Cat and Cow Stretch
This is the yoga stretch for mid back & low back mobility & those problematic breathing rib issues |
Core stabilization and strengthening that does not compress the low back. An exercise to improve low back pain. |
Dead Bugs
Low back and core stabilization with alternating arms and legs. |
Neck Stretching
Neck stretching in 3 different planes. |
Bird dogs
Strengthening and Stabilization of the core and low back musculature. |
Side Plank
Side Plank- Low back strengthening along the flanks in the Oblique, Quadradus Lumborum, Erector Spinae without causing compression on the Lumbar discs. Recommended by Dr. Stuart McGill |
Front PlankPlank progression for core strengthening without compression of the lumbar discs from Dr. Stuart McGill.
Good Morning
Low Back strengthening exercise for those who want to increase performance with stabilization and increase strength of hamstrings, glutes and low back musculature. |
Quadruped Chin Retraction
An Exercise to Strengthen of the longus colli muscles and to stretch the suboccipitals and muscles between shoulder blades. |
Rotator Cuff Rehabilitation
Exercises for Rotator Cuff stability and strengthening |
Buchberger 12- Day 1
Shoulder stability exercises after range of motion has been corrected |
Buchberger 12- Day 2
Shoulder stability exercises after range of motion has been corrected |