Hip Sleeper Stretch
90/90 Internal Hip Rotation
Pelvic Tilts
Low Back relief, Core strengthening activation of pelvic girdle exercise. |
Glute Medius Hip Lift
Stabilization and strengthening exercise for the glute medius |
Hip Lift
Isolated Hamstring Strengthening exercise without glute and low back involvement. Great for stabilizing knee joint and decreasing knee pain. |
Hip Circuit
Hip strengthening of the lateral hip musculature. 6 exercises done without rest. |
Lower Body Stretches
A circuit of stretches for the lower body that should be performed at least 2 times a week to maintain flexibility and prevent injuries. |
Foot Drills
6 foot and ankle drills to increase ankle & foot ligaments & muscles |
Intrinsic Foot Exercises
1. Big toe up & small toe down. 2. Fanning 3. Adduction &abduction of toes 4. Towel crunching with toes. |
Intrinsic Foot Strengthening
1. Toe calf raises 2. squat circles with foot control 3. Ski jumper |
Hip Mobility
Dr. Spina's Hip Mobility - not just a passive stretch but an active stretch. |